抓Tuesday, Jun. 14, 2011They're praying to St. Anthony for 酒店打工the return of his own object. · ,代償 JOSE MAGANA,· reverend of a 永慶房屋Catholic church in Long Beach , Calif. , where a 780-year-old 膠原蛋白religious relic belonging to St. Anthony was stolen; Anthony 情趣用品is, the AP notes, "the patron saint of lost causes and missing 花蓮民宿objects"跟AP說聖安東尼是專門為尋找失物的守護聖者可是加州長島一箇帛琉780年屬聖安東的寶物居然被偷了, 人們只好向聖安東尼祈禱. (邏輯有點酒店工作奇怪?台灣也有小偷偷香油錢或神明的金牌, 廟公也是向神明祈求抓小偷情趣用品?)Read more: 澎湖民宿http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,2077711,00.html #ixzz1PJaQ3iIc

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